Wayfair (W)


Score: 4/20
MOS: 0%
Share Price: $233
Sticker Price: $0

Wayfair. is an American e-commerce company that sells furniture and home-goods. Formerly known as CSN Stores, the company was founded in 2002. Their digital platform offers 14 million items from more than 11,000 global suppliers.

You can find great deals on indoor furniture, outdoor furniture, baby products, pet products, and more but from an investment stand point, this stock is way over-hyped.

From time to time I’ll hear this stock mentioned on podcasts and I have to disagree with buy recommendations on this one. By using Tykr as a voice of truth, you can clearly see this stock is too risky. With a MOS of 0% and a score of 4/20, your chances of making a return on your investment are just too low.

Cool business model but there are much better deals in the market.