Camping World (CWH)

Camping World (CWH)


Score: 4/20
MOS: -300%
Share Price: $37
Sticker Price: $9

Is Camping World a good buy?

What do Space Balls, National Lampoons Christmas Vacation, and We’re the Millers have in common?

Aside from being hilarious comedies, they all have RVs.

With COVID-19, sales of RVs have increased because people couldn’t fly to other countries. They decided that traveling the US in a mobile home was the next best thing.

Over the last few months, I’ve heard a few “gurus” say Camping World is a great BUY. I have to laugh because once you take a look within Tykr, you can clearly see the truth. A share price of $37 and a sticker price of $9… no thank you. Don’t trust gurus and their emotional driven advice. Also, that score of 4/20 shows the financials are in rough shape. I even found an article dating back a year ago questioning if Camping World would go bankrupt. Not a good sign.

Although I love the product positioning in movies (Who can’t forget Uncle Eddie showing up in Clark’s driveway with that beautiful RV), the stock is too much of a risk.

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