Here are 5 signs you might NOT be a good investor.
1. You’re easily triggered by comments online
- “No successful person” takes time out of their day to troll online.
- Successful business leaders and investors are busy solving problems.
- Successful business leaders and investors are busy serving their customers.
2. You’re easily triggered by people and events in the real world
- Do you struggle with road rage?
- Maybe a family member says something that sets you off and you let it bother you.
- You have that one “friend” that always gets under your skin and you let it bother you.
3. You’re a “service switcher”
- You’ve switched financial advisors over the years because you think new advisors can get you bigger returns. Remember, financial advisors are here to protect your wealth, not build your wealth.
- You switch cell phone providers because you can save $5/month.
- You switch banks because you can get an extra $15 for signing up.
4. You dwell on the small stuff
- Small business owners who focus on the colors, photos, and non-revenue generating minutiae.
- Middle managers dwelling on the fonts and colors in PowerPoints.
- If you’re not going to worry about it in 5 years, is it worth worrying about now?
5. You avoid seeing the big picture
- When something is going wrong in your life, zoom out. Gain perspective on how good you have it.
- Do you blame other people or outside factors? Take responsibility if you want changes in your life.
- Don’t play the victim.
All 5 signs lead up to one word… emotions.
If you let emotions control you, you most likely won’t be good at investing.
A good investor can control their emotions.
If you can control your emotions, we welcome you to join Tykr? Start here with a free trial.
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