Broker Connections

👉 Coming soon: Broker Connections

As a Premium Plus or Advanced member of Tykr, you gain access to broker connections.
  • Premium Plus: 1 connection at a time
  • Advanced: 5 connections at a time.


  • Portfolio Tracker – When you buy and sell stocks with your connected broker, those transactions automatically update in your Tykr portfolio tracker.
  • Buy and Sell – You can buy and sell stocks directly from Tykr, eliminating the need to visit your broker’s platform for transactions. (This feature will be coming at a later date).

Important notes:

  • These broker connections are facilitated by a third-party partner, SnapTrade.
  • If your broker is not listed, you may reach out to SnapTrade directly to inquire about adding your broker in the future. Keep in mind that most brokers worldwide do not have API capabilities, which means they do not permit other platforms to connect brokers through their systems.
  • Not all brokers allow buy and sell capabilities through broker connections (see the chart below). This limitation is due to restrictions from some brokers, not SnapTrade.


Broker Portfolio Tracker Buy/Sell Available Countries
AJ Bell Yes No Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, and more.
Alpaca Yes Yes Over 150 countries
CommSec Yes No US, Canada, EU, UK, and Japan
Degiro Yes Yes EU
Etrade Yes Yes US
Chase Yes Yes US
Fidelity Yes Yes US
Interactive Brokers Yes No Over 200 countries
moomoo Yes No US, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, Canada, and Malaysia
Questrade Yes No Canada
Robinhood Yes Yes US
Schwab Yes Yes US
Stake Australia Yes Yes Australia
Stake UK Yes Yes UK
TD Ameritrade Yes Yes US
TradeStation Yes Yes Over 100 countries
Tradier Yes Yes Over 150 countries
Trading 212 Yes No UK, Kuwait, Colombia, Ecuador, United Arab Emirates, and more
Trade Republic In Progress Germany, Belgium, Austria, France, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Luxembourg, United Kingdom, Ireland
Vanguard US Yes No US
Wealthsimple Yes Yes Canada and US
Webull US Yes Yes US
Zerodha Yes Yes India


Note: We will add Crypto to the portfolio tracker at a later date.

Broker Portfolio Tracker Buy/Sell Available Countries
Coinbase No Yes International
Binance No Yes International
Bitbuy Yes Yes Canada
Kraken Yes Yes International
Unocoin Yes Yes India